Choosing Customized Napkins for Your Bar

In the competitive world of gastronomy, attention to detail can transform an ordinary experience into a memorable moment. For a bar or restaurant, personalized cocktail napkins are not just practical accessories, but an extension of the brand identity and a crucial element of the customer experience. At COVR, we offer a variety of personalized napkins that combine functionality and style, perfect for every phase of service, from aperitif to dessert.

The Importance of Personalized Napkins in the Cocktail Experience

First Impressions Count

The aperitif is the first contact of the customer with your gastronomy service. A personalized cocktail napkin, elegant and of high quality, not only absorbs moisture but also presents a cocktail with sophistication. Opt for smaller sizes like our 20 x 20 cm or 24 x 24 cm, to accompany your drinks with a touch of elegance.

Setting the Mood for Cocktails

When it comes to cocktails, every detail must capture the essence of your establishment. Our personalized napkins for cocktails and bars are designed just for that. Available in sizes from 24 x 24 cm to 30 x 30 cm, they are ideal for the hands and can serve to hold chilled glasses, thus avoiding marks on the counter and tables.

Elegance at Every Meal

Dinner is the moment when your customers expect a flawless culinary experience. The personalized napkins from COVR, measuring 33 x 33 cm or 39 x 39 cm, provide the necessary absorbency for meals while remaining aesthetically pleasing. They reflect the care you devote to the customer experience, thus strengthening your brand image.

The Final Touch: Desserts

For dessert, a light yet elegant personalized napkin, like our models of 30 x 30 cm or 33 x 33 cm, is often sufficient to perfectly complement a plate of delicacies. It adds a final touch of elegance to the presentation, leaving a lasting impression on your guests.

Customization in Your Style

At COVR, customization goes beyond simple logo printing. We allow you to choose from a wide range of colors, textures, and sizes, integrating designs that reflect the unique spirit of your establishment. Whether for a special event or daily service, our personalized napkins are designed to perfectly align with your needs and your visual identity.


Investing in personalized napkins for cocktails and bars is not just an aesthetic choice, it is a strategic decision that influences the perception of your brand and enhances the overall customer experience. COVR's napkins are an integral part of your story and your welcome. Transform every cocktail, every meal into a memorable event with napkins that speak for themselves. Choose excellence with COVR, where each napkin is a promise of quality and elegance.

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